
2023年11月23日 〜 2023年11月26日



DEEP SILENCE Art Projectsの第2回目の個展。今回はアクリル抽象画家のTETSUSHI氏をメインアーティストに迎え、「曲折浮沈〜届きそうで辿り着かない場所〜」と言うタイトルでインスタレーションを展開します。

DEEP SILENCE Art Projects is thrilled to announce its second solo exhibition, featuring acrylic abstract artist TETSUSHI as the main artist, titled “Within Grasp, But Elusive / Navigating Life’s Complex Pathways.”
This installation will explore the frustrations we encounter in our everyday lives, the intricate entanglements hidden from view, and the delicate balance between resignation and the determination to confront them.

We have drawn inspiration from TETSUSHI’s acrylic paintings and artworks, intertwining them with video we have created. Through this fusion, we aim to immerse visitors in a dynamic space where they can confront themselves. We hope that those who experience this exhibition will rediscover forgotten emotions, gain new insights, and perhaps even find a renewed sense of purpose.